Home Access Control

Home Access Control

Home Access Control

Access control may seem like a foreign term.

Access control may seem like a foreign term to some, but the function of access control is more common than you think. Computer passwords, cell phone facial ID, thumbprint access, and even traditional turnkey locks are all forms of access control. 

Why is access control important
for your home?

Whether you keep your home to yourself as a personal safe haven or you offer it to others using a service like Airbnb, it is important for it to be secure. One of the best security measures that can be added to a home is a home access control system.

Systems include:



Keypad Entry Systems

These systems require users to have a specific code or combination in order for them to have access to your home. These systems are fairly common and are a great way to add a level of protection to your home.

Card Reader Systems

Card reader systems are not as common for home use, but they are extremely effective in ensuring the security of your property. This system grants access to anyone carrying a key card that has been specifically programmed for the door.


Biometric Systems

Biometric Access Control systems are the most expensive and most protective access control systems out there. These systems require a fingerprint, eye scan, or similar biometric key to obtain access. It is important to ensure that these systems are well maintained once they are installed to ensure they stay in top working order.


Have complete control over who has access to your property.

By transitioning from your traditional turnkey lock to one of the above electronic security systems, you will have complete control over who has access to your property, what time they can access it, what doors they can access, and determine what conditions must be met for someone to have access. Good systems will allow you to set individual permissions that can be updated whenever you wish, and they will allow you to view an access history log so that you can see who is coming and going.


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